Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fun Time With Family

Yesterday my family went to celebrate my cousin Emma's birthday as well as my aunt and grandma's birthday. I love to go to my cousin's house. It is two hours away. The roads were quite slippery. It is so pretty where they live. There are lots of trees and snow there. They always have deer and other animals walking around. One day they heard someone knocking and they found out it was a turkey knocking on the glass doorwall downstairs. Isn't that funny?!

We were going to spend the night but we ended up going home so we could go to our church today. I also had to go take my neighbor's dog out. They went to a Christmas concert and were gone a long time. They said I didn't have to come but I wanted to do it. I was able to earn money for Christmas shopping. I decided when I got to their house last night that I would shovel their snow too. They were thankful. I want to show them Christ's love.

Enjoy your day blog readers!!!!


Sarah the Sweet said...

your a great writer, enjoyed reading your blogs!

Hannah said...

Thanks for the nice comment Sarah.

Melissa said...


I love your blog so much! I love snow, but i live in texas so it does not snow here at all.


Hannah said...

Thanks for the nice comments Melissa